Is your workplace making people old before their time?
Chronic stress, sedentary office jobs, poor sleep patterns, unhealthy diets, smoking, and excessive alcohol have all been shown to be prematurely ageing. These ageing factors don’t just affect “high risk people”, older workers, or our senior leaders but everyone at all levels of an organisation.
Helping everyone to be ‘younger’ (i.e. healthier for their age) in the workplace is a critical issue because of the large proportion of time that people spend at work.
Forward looking organisations want to make their workforce ‘younger’
We’ve found that more and more organisations are now helping their employees to get ‘younger’ at work. This makes sense both ethically and economically. Our ageing population will result in higher retirement ages, increased competition for younger talent and an increased risk of low productivity due to poor physical and mental health.
Delaying the ageing process across an organisation to maximise productivity is a good idea economically. Enhancing successful ageing is an important goal according to leading economists – “If people live longer and can remain physically active for longer, the adverse impact will be less (on our GDP)”
For more information, take a look at the following link:
The good news is that it is possible to make your employees younger, healthier and happier
There are two reasons why:
Firstly, 70% of ‘successful ageing’ (the scientific term for what it takes to live a long and happy life) is actually down to the way we live our lives and is entirely modifiable through changes to our behaviour and environment.
Second, no one (including your employees) wants to feel older than they are– and in fact research shows that people are right to not want to feel this way. People who feel older than their actual age have been proven to have shorter and unhealthier lives than those who feel younger than their actual age.

Our passion is to help people get younger, healthier and happier in the places we work and live. The secret is being able to engage your employees to want to find out if they are “older than they should be”, and then support them to take action to get younger. To find out more visit our workplace wellness page.