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COVID-19: Younger Lives instrumental in defining Movember's health promotion rapid response

Younger Lives have just completed an intense 4 week sprint helping the Movember health promotion team pivot in response to COVID-19. Combining existing research with the rapidly emerging evidence, expert opinion and practical brand and communication considerations; we helped the team identify the best target audience and behavioural strategy to support better long term mental health in a post COVID world.

Sarah Sternberg, Media and Advocacy Strategist, Movember "Younger Lives have been instrumental in helping the Movember Health Promotions unit define its focus, target audiences and behaviours. Having previously appointed them to work together on our model for change, when COVID-19 hit and our plans needed to pivot, we knew that Younger Lives would be able to work quickly and efficiently to steer us in the right direction, using their winning combination of data synthesis, expert network, and strategic analysis capabilities. We were delighted by the results of the project and would not hesitate to recommend them".
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